September 26, 2018

Sunwest Group Holding Company, Inc (SGHCI) conducted a Work Ethics Training Program for its employees in serving its purpose to improve their decision-making process, to make them more effective in their jobs, and to make the company a better place to work. The program discussed the matters of Professionalism, Work Ethics, Traits of a Winning Employee, Company’s Core Values and Andurog Attitudes (Hardwork, Integrity, Malasakit, Initiative, Common Sense and Humility).

The company has also conducted an awareness-raising and capacity-building session on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) Inclusive Workplace practices.

Mr. Franklin Manila, Consultant for Corporate Planning and Organizational Development said that the purpose of the training is for the employees to fully comprehend the rudimentary knowledge of the terms and concepts related to SOGIE.

“The purpose of the Workshop is for the participants to gain awareness and understanding about Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression, thus, respect people who have such kind of orientation and beliefs,” Manila said in a statement.

The employees who attended the said training have examined and distinguished the concepts of SOGIE, which are acquired relevant terminologies, deconstructed myths and stereotypes about the LGBT youth, and learned the process when children and adolescents develop their individual identities.

On the other hand, Ms. Dawn Marie Pavillar Castro, the Resource Speaker of the SOGIE Training Progam is a Graduate Student from the University of the Philippines, Diliman and an active advocacy officer and development worker. She has attended numerous training and seminars on leadership, women empowerment, and strategic planning – to name a few.